Getting some amazing feedback!

Ok I am back! Happy Halloween.... Did a really fun costumed gig last night and tonight Sunday, hosted a Halloween Party for the neighborhood kids....

Told Ya So showed up on my recent radio rport with a number of new station adds... yay! Onward and upward...

This is cool... I recently had a surge of well being, and the feeling that 'it is all worth the effort' when I received an unsolicited email from someone I have never heard of... it is a bit self serving, but it is a little like getting a gold star in school, ya just want to show it off!

Mark Alderman from Wytheville, VA writes (unedited):



I’ve been playing trumpet over 45 years and followed many great players. I have heard them live and listened to their recordings;  Miles, Chet, Doc, Braun and Botti, to name a few.  You are in this same class!  I never say one trumpet player is better than another, because everyone is a unique individual, but there comes a time when a trumpet player reaches the pinnacle achieved by few and YOU ARE THERE!  I love your sound and your clean improvising.  I will be purchasing your CDs and certainly hope you will be coming to Virginia or North Carolina in the near future. Keep blow’in man.


With kind regards,


Mark Alderman



I want to thank you Mark, you made my day ... hope we meet in the near future!

Starting to get Bloggerific!

Oct 25- For those of you who don't know, I have a blog underway that documents the trials and triumphs of releasing my independent jazz CD. My new release 'Told Ya So' is out to radio and is getting attention from all over the world in its first week of widespread release. I had a soft release concert in June at the Cellar Jazz Club but needed to get all my ducks in a row and find the right window at radio. I actually went back and did some tweaking, fixed a few parts, had Craig Zurba do a remaster, and Miles Black jumped in with some new bass parts (what DOESN'T he play?). I am much happier with the consistency now, and proud to have this out there... definitely my best work yet. Special thanks to all the stellar guests like Jeff Lorber (who co-wrote the single 'Rockin' The Ribjoint' with me), and to Paul Brown who played guitar and mixed some tunes... also Marc Antoine, Darren Rahn, Rock Hendricks and Amanda Wood.  All the above have new projects out, so watch for them!

Jazz writer Lynn Olson paid a special kudo to me  She has a cool blog and is really informative, well connected and timely~

I finally got my stuff at CD Baby and they are great to work with... they take care of all the digital distribution at the plethora of outlets and such, makes being an independent a much easier task! Already had sales from Sweden, Japan, Belgium, US Army posts overseas, and locally! Wow, the power of the web-buzz. All titles are still available as disc and download at Wind Tunnel Records

Feel free to comment at

Keep it coming!


thanks for your help on Told Ya So!

Hi friends, players, and music industry wizards,

I wanted to take a minute to thank you for your support in helping me pick a single and fine tune my new Told Ya So release! It is out and rockin'!

If somehow your CD copies never arrived in the mail, let me know.

The full CD plus the radio single edit of Rockin' The Ribjoint is finally now at radio across the US and Canada and actively being promoted. Starting to get some action in the first week...... starts their campaign Nov 1, and tracks should be up at iTunes and CD Baby by then, although it is already available as disc and downloads at

In the meantime I started a blog documenting the process, triumphs and tribulations of an independent jazz release .... at Feel free to post.

I also stumbled upon a trifecta of really great internet tools to drive traffic my way and maximize exposure and buzz factor at all social media sites out there (for any product, business or service, not just music) ... they might be of use to you, too.....check them out:

There will be updates and new content at and, and my blog, so stay tuned and thanks again~!

BTW, some of the esteemed guest soloists on Told Ya So have cool new releases as well, and I encourage you to check them out ... great stuff and good luck to you all! Look for new recordings out now from Paul Brown, Marc Antoine, Jeff Lorber, Amanda Wood, Darren Rahn (new single) and Rock Hendricks (Paul Hardcastle).